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Service Description: The Freight Analysis Framework (FAF5) - Network Links dataset was created from 2017 base year data and was published on April 11, 2022 from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD). The FAF (Version 5) Network contains 487,384 link features. All link features are topologically connected to permit network pathbuilding and vehicle assignment using a variety of assignment algorithms. The FAF Link and the FAF Node datasets can be used together to create a network. The link features include all roads represented in prior FAF networks, and all roads in the National Highway System (NHS) and the National Highway Freight Network (NHFN) that are currently open to traffic. Other included links provide connections between intersecting routes, and to select intermodal facilities and all U.S. counties. The network consists of over 588,000 miles of equivalent road mileage. The dataset covers the 48 contiguous States plus the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii.
All Layers and Tables
Has Versioned Data: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
Supported Query Formats: JSON
Supports Query Data Elements:
Description: The Freight Analysis Framework (FAF5) - Network Links dataset was created from 2017 base year data and was published on April 11, 2022 from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD). The FAF (Version 5) Network contains 487,384 link features. All link features are topologically connected to permit network pathbuilding and vehicle assignment using a variety of assignment algorithms. The FAF Link and the FAF Node datasets can be used together to create a network. The link features include all roads represented in prior FAF networks, and all roads in the National Highway System (NHS) and the National Highway Freight Network (NHFN) that are currently open to traffic. Other included links provide connections between intersecting routes, and to select intermodal facilities and all U.S. counties. The network consists of over 588,000 miles of equivalent road mileage. The dataset covers the 48 contiguous States plus the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii.
Service Item Id: eedd345fd4884230b44c894dbb9d9435
Copyright Text: This NTAD dataset is a work of the United States government as defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101 and as such are not protected by any U.S. copyrights. This work is available for unrestricted public use.
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: -8622376.366389005
YMin: 4514547.712938526
XMax: -8619983.679146105
YMax: 4516602.419696442
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -1.85920519094E7
YMin: 2144900.5588999987
XMax: -7456184.543299999
YMax: 1.1512514414499998E7
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Enable Z Defaults: true
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
Query Contingent Values