Description: The Marine Highways dataset was created on June 15, 2016 and was updated on June 04, 2024 by the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD). MARAD's Marine Highway Program is a Maritime Administration led program to expand the use of our Nation's navigable waterways to relieve landside congestion, reduce air emissions, and generate other public benefits by increasing the efficiency of the surface transportation system. This dataset contains the locations of all 31 maritime routes that have been designated as Marine Highways by the Secretary of U.S. DOT. Routes included in this dataset are diagrammatic and may not depict all waterways and port connectors that are considered to be part of the U.S. Marine Highway System.
Service Item Id: 1edc8637c40246b895720bb760e3b1d9
Copyright Text: This NTAD dataset is a work of the United States government as defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101 and as such are not protected by any U.S. copyrights. This work is available for unrestricted public use.